Reflection about all semesters

Reflections about all partials 

First Partial

In the first partial of this semester I learned several things that helped me to improve my communication and grammar skills, for example we learned about when yo use present continous, present perfeect, past perfect, future perfect, and also the passive and active voice.

Other activity we did was the key activity, in wich we did an investigation about minoritiy groups, that help us to know about the reality of a lot of people that live with discrimination and that have been marginalized for several years or even centuries, without a doubt, this activity allowed us to raise awareness about the living conditions of people belonging to minorities

Second Partial

In second semester we have several dynamics and activities that help us to learned a lot of topics,

including the book, kahoots, powerpoint presentations, that help us to learn some new topics,

like the indirect questions, also the use of past perfect or past simple, also this semester we

focused a lot on vocabulary and learned several new words like teetotaler anti-royalist, etcetera

Talking about the key activity in this partial we did interviews about what the people think of the

minority groups, with this we saved and compared the information obtained, and we were able to

reach conclusions about what both Mexican and foreign people think about these groups.

Third partial

In the third and the last partial we had several ways to learn the topics we covered, including kahoots, activities in teams, and the english book, with which we learned the last topics that were quantifiers, future tenses and phrasal verbs with put and take.

In this last partial we had several important activities, among them was our exam of the MOCK of listening and reading, as well as our final presentation of the key activity, in which we presented all our research on a specific minority group, speaking and presenting everything in one day, qualification that was worth for the last speaking.
