

My life in few words
My name is Cristopher Góngora Sánchez Castellanos, I am 17 years old and in my short life I have lived a lot of things, for example right now I have my own business that have the objective to make a better world, I also travel to other countries to important events like the NHSMUN in 2020 in New York, or Prophetic Economy in Italy and apart I always try to learn and to do something to be better, I don´t want to waste my time in things that doesn´t give me nothing

,My likes

 I like to much all kind of sports, I like to be active, I like to know different people and know their different thoughts,I like to read. I like a lot to learn new things, new cultures, new different ways to do something, also I like so much to spend time with my friends, to hear advices from other people, and to share my ideas with others and to debate them.

In my free time I spend thinking in how I can improve in anything and I try to be very perseverant when I have an objective. 

Why is important to learn english?

I think is very important to learn english for many reasons,  one of this is because if you know to sepak english, you have more and better oportunities than if you dont know to sepak english, like if you want to have a good job like in a famous company, it is very likely that they will choose someone who knows English to communicate with people from other countries.
